How to Prevent Birds from Damaging Your Roof

Birds may seem harmless, but having them nest beneath the roof tiles is a nightmare for any homeowner. Birds making your roof their home can be pesky, destructive, and noisy. Birds nesting on the roof not only dislodge the roof tiles and damage the roofline, but also the acidic droppings they leave everywhere shortens roof life.

There are several ways you can discourage birds from creating a nuisance on your roof. Follow these methods to keep birds from nesting in the roof tiles and causing damage:

Visual or audio deterrents

One way to deal with birds is to place fake predator statues like falcon, raven, or owl decoys to scare birds away from the roof. Birds have instincts to keep them safe from danger, and they won’t come on the roof, sensing the danger. You can also get inflatable balloons with holographic eyes, creating an illusion that the eyes are following the birds or inflatable scare birds with a spring attachment. 

Using small devices that emit natural sounds of predators or other high-pitched noise will startle the birds and discourage them from landing on the roof.

Install bird spikes

There are various types of bird spikes available for flat surfaces on and under the roof, making it challenging for the birds to land on the roof. They don’t harm the birds in any way. Available in materials like steel and plastic, attach these on the roof eaves or ledge with screws or self-adhesive strips.

Replace missing tiles

Missing tiles on the roof offer birds a perfect spot to build their nest, especially during winters when they are in a lookout for warm spaces. Replace any missing tile immediately to protect the roof from birds and stop the water from seeping through the underlayment, leading to costly damages. 

Eliminate the food sources

Birds are attracted to a place that is a potential food source for them. Remove all the food sources from the roof and the nearby areas that may pull the birds towards the roof tiles. If you have plants nearby or hanging over the roof, spray them with an eco-friendly chemical that smells and tastes unpleasant to birds. These will work as a deterrent for them since there will be no food source.

Eave closures

The eaves make the perfect place for birds to settle. Use eave guards or bird stoppers to cover the small gap between the exterior walls and the overhang of the roof and stop them from accessing the area. The gap may appear minor, but it offers a warm shelter for birds to nest. The bird stoppers are usually made from foam and are available in strips to easily fit inside the gaps. 

Bird netting

Install a bird netting to prevent birds from getting to the roof tiles. You can even use this solution temporarily during the spring and summer season, which is the nesting time for birds. 

Reflective tape

Hang reflective materials like tin foil, CD, or tape from the trees closer to the roof to irritate and disorient the birds from coming on the roof tiles.

Keeping birds from nesting in the roof tiles is not as complicated as it seems. Hire a local roof contractor or roofing professional to inspect the roof to see if it makes for an ideal nesting ground for the birds. A roofer can suggest the best ways to prevent birds from nesting and protect the roof from damage.

If you have a problem with birds damaging your roof, why not schedule a consultation with our roofing experts? We can repair your roof and have ways to protect your roof from further damage.

Patterson Construction Company installs and repairs residential roofs of all kinds, skylights, roof ventilation, fascia and underlayment on Phoenix-area homes. Call 602-825-3638 for a free quote today!


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