Our Blog
Reasons to Hire a Professional Painter
Spending time at home should be relaxing, but when you realize that your paint is tired and chipping, you might consider painting.
How Do I Know If My Roofer Will Do A Good Job?
In this day and age, it’s easy for a roofing contractor to claim they have an eye for detail. What we’ve found is that not all roofers are alike, and not all jobs are completed to the utmost satisfaction.
Four Surprising Truths About Roof Ventilation
There are many sites and resources for the Phoenix homeowner to understand their roof ventilation better and make significant decisions based on the health and needs of their roof.
Five Simple Tips for Arizona Roof Maintenance
In Arizona, we like to say, “it’s a dry heat!” to remind ourselves that we chose this desert landscape despite its harsh summers. Well, those hundred-degree days and monsoons are behind us
Indicators of Roof Damage
Our winter rains are usually much more gentle than our monsoons. However, they can cause damage to our roofing.
Reasons Asphalt Shingles are a Favorite Among Homeowners
Asphalt roofing shingles have some prized construction qualities. They can create a beautiful roof that is tough and will weather through decades of Valley summers.
Why Tile Roofing is Amazing
One of the most satisfying choices in roofing materials is clay, slate, or concrete tile. Tile is inherently beautiful, a high-end option offering styles which may be glazed or unglazed,
Qualities to Consider When Selecting a Roof
In the process of selecting a roof, there are qualities which a homeowner should consider as part of the selection process.
The Purpose and Pitch of a Roof
Your roof provides your house with valuable functions. Some of those functions are obvious. Others purposes are less obvious but equally important.
Asphalt Shingle Options
Homeowners who find themselves in the position of having to choose a roofing material, either for a new home roofing job or to replace existing roofing, now have a myriad of options from which to choose.
Hire a Pro for Excellent Drywall Repair
Creating the shell for the interior of your home can take a toll on drywall. While drywall, which is comprised primarily of gypsum, is beautiful when it’s in good repair, if it becomes damaged, it can be unsightly.
Painting Your Exterior: the Steps
When a homeowner hires painting experts to paint their home exterior, there are a series of steps which ensure the paint job will be professional and last as long as possible.
Signs You Need a New Roof
A leaking roof isn’t the only sign that you might need a new roof. In fact, unless it’s an extremely unusual situation, such as minor roof damage
Spring Home Exterior Painting
We have been enjoying the Spring here in the Valley, and this great weather also makes it a great time to paint your home exterior.
The Flat Roof
You may have a flat roof or a nearly flat roof, or you may have an extension such as a patio or carport which is roughly flat and wonder how we can keep that roof from leaking
Is it Time for a Patio Roof?
Before our Valley weather becomes blistering hot, a homeowner may be looking at their patio slab and thinking that it might be time to add a patio roof.
Metal Roofing: Part 2
In our last blog, we discussed the fundamentals of metal roofing and materials.
Metal Roofing: an Overview
Metal roofing is a popular choice for residential and commercial spaces, and within the last two decades has expanded to include multiple new styles and options.
How to Find a Great Roofing Company
Your roof protects your home, family, and belongings. When a roof fails, whether it be due to age, weather, or accidental damage, a homeowner needs a roofing expert who can determine whether the roof needs to be repaired or replaced, and the repair needs of the underlying structures